Stars of Africa

Concert details here. Music of black Africa here and Sahara here. Ngoni player Bassekou Kouyate features in the video below.

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Pliable said…
Email received:

I really do not understand why those Londoners are programming Hugh Masakela. I’ve listened to his Music and frankly speaking : I didn’t like it.

Threre’s much better in South Africa. Take for instance Dollar Brand , i e Abdullah Ibrahim. A great artist.

Just listen to “ Good News From Africa”. A masterpiece. It’s

He’s very serious. He wants his Music to be respected. He doesn’t start playing as long as there is noise in the concert hall.

My guess is that he’s not that well known in the UK. When he was in exile ( apartheid) he lived in Germany. He keeps playing all over Europe ( mostly in Germany). He now has a small institute at the Cape Town University.

You can find info on pianist Dollar Brand / Abdullah Ibrahim here:

and most of all :

The Guardian said :

I think you’ll like this Music.


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