Social media masterclass 2

All humans tend ideologically to conform to what seems to be 'local common sense' in the circles they move in. If a vast majority of our friends espouse a view, we will often go along with it, especially when it fits well with our existing sentiments. When an individual's social network becomes isolated from broader society, it can consequently twist into an extremist echo chamber, draping an aura of plausibility and common sense over even those ideas that are morally reprehensible and utterly disconnected from reality.
Quote comes from a 2015 Independent article by New College, Oxford lecturer Jonathan Maynard Leader. Social media masterclass - 1 can be read via this link.

Header image appears on website of Phoebe Stud, New Zealand. Any copyrighted material is included as "fair use" for critical analysis only, and will be removed at the request of copyright owner(s). Also on Facebook and Twitter.


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