I do like to be beside the seaside

There is no doubt that the days of the music blog are numbered. First, in recent weeks we have seen the sad but honourable retirement of the erudite Gavin Plumley's Entartete Musik and the irrepressible Pierre-Arnaud Dablemont's Journal. Now I find myself agreeing with Norman Lebrecht for the second time in a few days. First it was over the BBC's 'Madame Tussauds' Proms photo. Today it is about the resignation of BBC Trust chairman Chris Patten, who Norman describes as "bumbling through recent crises, weakening the corporation in both leadership and morale". There is no better example of Patten's bumbling than the speech he delivered when his ineffectual director general appointee George Entwistle was forced to resign - "This is, undoubtedly one of the saddest days of my public life". If you can keep you breakfast down watch the video here. Any serious illness is a tragedy, irrespective of the person's weakness in public life. So I wish the outgoing BBC Trust chairman a speedy recovery from heart surgery. He need not fear for his future when he is recovered. Because, undoubtedly, there is a safe seat waiting for Lord Patten alongside his establishment cronies on the board of Aldeburgh Music.

Header image comes via, of course, the Suffolk Coast website. Any copyrighted material on these pages is included as "fair use" only, and will be removed at the request of copyright owner(s). Also on Facebook and Twitter.


Pliable said…
Am I the only one that finds the absence of coverage on the BBC news website of BBC director general Lord Patten's resignation puzzling, not to say sinister?


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