Independent music website enjoys high rent office café

Stumbled across this great new independent website called Sinfini Music written by a team of music fans. They have a killer video of accordion player Martynas and mandolin virtuoso Avi Avital filmed in their office café. It really is a cool video and a cool office café. So I thought I'd check out where their office is. A bit of drilling down uncovered that Sinfini's address is at 364–366 Kensington High Street, which sure is a high rent area. And more drilling down uncovered that not only does the Sinfini café seem to be in the head office of Universal Music, but Sinfini is also owned by them - they must have forgotten to say that on the first pages I looked at. Presumably Sinfini's policy of editorial independence prevented them sharing this, but yet more drilling - I drill like a dentist - uncovered that Martynas records for Decca and Avi Avital records for Deutsche Grammophon - both Universal Music owned labels. So now I understand why an independent music website has celebrity jam sessions in an office café up the road from Buckingham Palace. That's what I call cutting through classical.

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Anonymous said…
So many unfortunate coincidences could definitely lead us to think that Sinfini is not an independent website but a promotional tool for Universal. But I think that is that was true, those brilliant independent critics working there would have immediately resigned to protect their integrity.;-)
Pliable said…
I swear it is a coincidence, but Pierre-Arnaud Dablemont has recorded Janáček's On An Overgrown Path -
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the link! I hope you had time to give it a spin and loved it!

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