Reader rages at Max's musical garbage

A little while ago I reported Peter Maxwell Davies (left) raging at the musical tastes of Conservative Party leader David Cameron. That article generated quite a response, including a fairly strong one from regular reader Henry Holland in Los Angeles who disagreed with Max in no uncertain terms. My server logs show that shortly after Henry added his comment the article had one its visits from a MaxOpus IP address - and that, of course, is Max's own website. Rest assured your views are noted Henry, and responses from Sanday are very welcome, even if they are sent via Jimmack the Postie.

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Pliable said…
I was delighted the other day to finally find a commercial recording of the guitar version of Max's beautiful Farewell to Stromness.

It is on an early CD by Mark Ashford released by Turnbull (950604). The other works on the 25 minute CD are by Roland Dyens(an exciting young composer I'm hearing a lot of recently), Henze, Albéniz and Sergio Assad.

Well worth seeking out.

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