Our gods have left us

Olivier Messiaen was a wise being who valued the spiritual. His Turangalîla-Symphonie is influenced by the Indian rhythms that underpin Shiva's dance, and the work's title is derived from Sanskrit. Above is the album cover of the 1978 recording with André Previn conducting the London Symphony Orchestra. While in India recently my reading - in fact re-reading - included Aki Cederberg's Journeys in the Kali Yuga. Here is an extract:

Ours is an age of great dispossession. It is a time of war, terrorism, genocide, corruption, and economic and ecological disaster. But even more than these things, the great dispossession we face is an internal or spiritual one. This dispossession is discernible at almost every level of life and existence. Our gods, however we might perceive them, have left us. Our soul is barren and disconnected from the roots that nourished its growth and formation. We have lost our inner compass and are floundering around, aimless and lost, in pursuit of every joy and folly that this world has to offer and often coming up empty. 

We are adept at high technology and asserting dominion over nature, yet we do not master ourselves. We have knowledge, yet we lack wisdom. Rather than being allies, science and spirituality, the attempts by man to understand the nature of the world, are at odds with one another.

[ ] In the Indian tradition and its cyclical cosmology, there are four ages wherein the cosmos is created and destroyed, beginning with a golden age and ending in a final, iron age. This iron age is our age, the Kali Yuga. It is characterized by the loss of spiritual life and traditions and the valuing of everything through materialism and money. This final cycle is characterized by an escalation of degradation and conflict, culminating in the cataclysmic events that will end human life. Then Shiva, as destroyer and creator, dances his eternal dance, and time begins again. 

May all sentient beings have a beneficial 2025, despite Putin, Musk, Netanyahu, Trump, Hamas, Farage et al.


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