Mystery of politically incorrect London Philharmonic violinist

My 2018 post profiled the Parsee violinist Homi Kanga who joined the London Philharmonic Orchestra in 1950 and may have been the first non-white orchestral musician in the UK. My post related how Homi Kanga left the LPO in 1960 after he complained about the dismissal of a colleague for what he viewed as political reasons. In my post I speculated that Homi Kanga's departure was triggered by a dispute between the LPO management and its Anglo-Indian violinist John Mayer

However a new comment on my 2018 post suggests Homi Kanga's departure resulted from the dismissal of another musician. An anonymous commenter has suggested that "It was over the sacking of Chumleigh Hind that Homi left the orchestra" but provides no more information. Chumleigh Hind was a scholarship holder at the Royal Manchester College of Music from 1945-50 and went on to play in the Hallé Orchestra under Sir John Barbirolli and also performed as a soloist. But my research has uncovered no other information about him. Did he join the London Philharmonic? Was he dismissed, and if so why? Can any reader help fill in the blanks?


Unknown said…
Chumleigh hind was sacked from the LPO for being a member of the communist party
Unknown said…
Chum hind now 94 was sacked it was he was a member of the communist party, he was also a marked man because he told a conductor what he thought of him this was told to me by an old colleague and friend the viola player john couling who went on to be principal viola in the BBC symphony orchestra.

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