Shamanism of sound and digital alchemy

According to the Indian tradition the Om is the original oscillation, the eternal tone. In our system of sound this oscillation matches with the C sharp. In the 32nd octave of our planet's year this tone oscillates with 136.10 hertz, in the 33rd octave with 272.20 hertz. It is an easy calculation to see why this frequency is exactly 136.10 hertz. You can convert a year into seconds. A day has 86,400 seconds. The year - calculated from starting of spring to the next - has 365.242199 days. One year has 365.242199 times 86,400 seconds that equals 31,556,925.9747 seconds. Take this number and get the reciprocal (just press the 1/x key on the calculator) and multiply the result 32 times with two - and you get 136.10 on the display.
That must surely be the apogee of the music and vibrations thread that started with Hazrat Inayat Khan, progressed through Jonathan Harvey, and led on to sound yoga and feline music therapists. It comes from Swiss mathematician and musicologist Hans Cousto's contribution The Cosmic Octave - Shamanism of Sound and Digital Alchemy to the anthology Goa: 20 years of Psychedelic Trance. The Ganesha batik was brought back from my recent Sri Lanka trip.

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