Too much Mozart no longer makes you sick
Fascinated to find Norman Lebrecht including Mozart's Haffner Symphony in a list of what he considers to be ten concert works we need to hear again. Fascinated because in a piece of click bait dressed up as journalism titled 'Too much Mozart makes you sick' Norman had once written:
Mozart is a menace to musical progress, a relic of rituals that were losing relevance in his own time and are meaningless to ours. Beyond a superficial beauty and structural certainty, Mozart has nothing to give to mind or spirit in the 21st century. Let him rest. Ignore the commercial onslaught. Play the Leningrad Symphony. Listen to music that matters.New Overgrown Path posts are available via RSS/email by entering your email address in the right-hand sidebar. Any copyrighted material is included for critical analysis, and will be removed at the request of copyright owner(s).
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