Obladi oblada life goes on...

Theresa has a barrow in the market place
Donald is the singer in a band
Donald says to Theresa 'girl I like your face'
And Theresa says this as she takes him by the hand
Obladi oblada life goes on brahhh
Lala how the life goes on...
Photo was taken by me two weeks ago on the road between Tinmel and Ouirgane in Morocco's High Atlas. In 1959 Paul Bowles travelled these roads driving a borrowed Volkswagen with a bulky Ampex tape recorder on the back seat. The result was the ultimate road trip music - his field recordings of the music of Morocco which have been lovingly remastered by Dust to Digital. As Chögyam Trungpa tells us in The Path Is the Goal: A Basic Handbook of Buddhist Meditation, travel is a microcosm of life. You cannot be attached to how the journey unfolds or even if you will reach the destination you had in mind. Travelling is a constant lesson in surrender, which leads to the realisation that the destination and the path are one. Or, in other words, Obladi oblada life goes on...

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John said…
Molly, not Theresa, surely? Oh, I just saw what you did... :)

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