Audio porn

That is my 1970s vintage Technics stylus pressure gauge being used today. This beautifully engineered strain gauge measures stylus pressure accurate to 0.1 grams. The Thorens TD 125 turntable with SME Series IIIS tone arm and Audio-Technica AT-F3 cartridge are also all more than 40 years old. I wonder how many of today's CD players, yet alone MP3 devices, will still be in daily use in 2057? Coming to that how many of today's music streaming services will still be in business? And I wonder how many Malcolm Arnold symphonies will be performed at the BBC Proms in the next 40 years?

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Pliable said…
I see that examples of the Technics stylus pressure gauge now sell for between £100 and £250. I wonder what price my iPod will fetch in 2057? -

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