Analogue man

This photo accompanies an interview with Jordi Savall in the Catalan newspaper Ara. Jordi's primary workspace is occupied by books, his PC is tucked away on one side and there is no towering sound system. It reminds me of this passage from The Unlimited Mercifier, Stephen Hertenstein's biography of the twelfth-century Andalusian Sufi mystic, poet, and philosopher Ibn 'Arabi:
True cultural advance is not related to progress in technology or social organisation, but to an increase in self-knowledge and the freedom to contemplate and celebrate the Divine Beneficence in all its forms.
Thanks to Roger Evans for heads up on the Ara article. Also on Facebook and Twitter. Any copyrighted material is included as "fair use" for critical analysis only, and will be removed at the request of copyright owner(s). Also on Facebook and Twitter.


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