Slipped award

A story is circulating based on a website report, that Grigory Sokolov has refused the 2015 Cremona Music Award because Norman Lebrecht is a previous winner. But, in an example of supreme irony, there are doubts as to whether the story is true.

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Gavin Dixon said…
Thanks for the link Bob. Considering who is involved in this story, I thought it was wise to stick to verifiable facts. But since I wrote the post, Gramophone have done some proper journalistic spade work - they contacted Sokolov’s manager, who confirmed the letter to be genuine.
Pliable said…
Gavin, thanks for that confirmation which a reader has also posted on My Facebook page.

Could "proper journalistic spade work" be coming back into fashion?

Pliable said…
Gavin, thanks for that confirmation which a reader has also posted on m
my Facebook page.

Could "proper journalistic spade work" be coming back into fashion?
Pliable said…
I raise my hat to Grigory Sokolov -
Pliable said…
Further update here - -

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