Beyond boundaries

'When people believe in boundaries, they become part of them.'
That quote comes from Don Cherry who is seen above with Manfred Eicher. It was taken in 1978 at Tonstudio Bauer in Ludwigsburg during the recording for ECM of Codona, the first album in the classic Codona Trilogy.

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billoo said…
I hear what you're saying, pli, but isn't the constant desire to destroy or transgress boundaries-how convenient for late capitalism!-also a way of looking over what is unique or distinct?
Pliable said…
Billoo, thank you for providing a very wise reality check. Yes indeed, destroying or transgressing boundaries can be a convenient way of Westernising what is unique and distinct -
billoo said…
I found this online, pli. It reminded me of all that is best about your blog: &

"There are as many ways to God as the number of human beings on earth." This quote alone is a representation of the vision of Sufism.

the letter "Waw", which in Arabic means "and." The Sufis call it the letter of Love, because without it, nothing can come together. We say "the sea and the sky," "Man and Woman." The"Waw" is the meeting place, thus it is the place of Love. It is also the letter of the traveler, because it gathers together things and beings.'


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