You say you want a revolution

My commitment to extending On An Overgrown Path's engagement beyond the self-serving press releases and tawdry celebrity gossip that are the staple diet of other blogs took an interesting turn this week. In my last post I explained I would be away searching for new music from beneath the sands of Egypt, which means I have been caught up in the overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi. My photos, which were taken during the military's 48 hour ultimatum, show demonstrators in Luxor and an Egyptian army helicopter hovering over the city. Although Luxor is 300 miles from Cairo it is a politically sensitive city. It was here that 62 people, mostly tourists, were killed in 1997 by terrorists linked to the Egyptian Islamist group Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya. In June this year the appointment by Mohammed Morsi of a new governor of the Luxor region who was a member of Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya started the chain of events that culminated in the removal of the President. On the day before I took these pictures, together with my wife I was at the Temple of Hatshepsut where the 1997 massacre took place. Because of the political situation the UK foreign office advised British nationals to leave this part of Egypt yesterday and we were at Luxor airport last night as the coup by the army was announced. And did I mention the temperature was 46 degrees celsius? Perhaps I'll try press releases and celebrity gossip....

Also on Facebook and Twitter. Photos strictly (c) On An Overgrown Path 2013


Civic Center said…
According to The Telegraph, I hear that Angela Gheorghiu has broken up with Cézar, a flamboyant Romanian counter-tenor, 15 years younger than she is, who represented his country in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

Stay safe.
Pliable said…
Quite so Michael, and I understand the Independent has some similar lurid revelations today.

Perhaps I should have stayed at home, ignored the Egyptian CD discoveries I was going to share with readers, and just gone with the flow, and spun some Gheorghiu/Cézar revelations instead.

Then I might have been made an offer I couldn't refuse by Sinfini Music.

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