Another storm batters Aldeburgh

The Banking Standards Commission has asked the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to consider if three top HBOS bankers should be barred from future roles in the financial sector. It said former bosses Sir James Crosby and Andy Hornby were largely to blame for the collapse of HBOS, then the UK's fifth biggest bank, in 2008. Former chairman Lord Stevenson was also heavily criticised. The commission accused the trio of a "colossal failure" of management.
That extract comes from a BBC News story this morning. As has been noted here previously, Lord Stevenson of Coddenham is president of Aldeburgh Music, lists in the parliamentary register of his interests “Remunerated employment, office, profession etc - advice on strategy is given to Universal Music Group”, and is also a director of Glyndebourne.

Déjà vu

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Unknown said…
Never mind Aldeburgh. Look at what UMG is doing to classical publishing.
Pliable said…
That comment above deserves amplification -

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