No reasonable offer refused

Many thanks go to my American readers for taking BBC director general Mark Thompson off our hands. Now can we also interest you in Roger Wright, Petroc Trelawny, Rob Cowan, Katie Derham and Norman Lebrecht?

Also on Facebook and Twitter. Report broken links, missing images and errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk


Dexter Edge said…
No, please keep them. And I have a few suggestions for some I'd like you to take back.
mahlerman said…
...and unctuous Sean Rafferty?
Pliable said…
Mahlerman, how right you are and apologies for omitting him from my transfer list. I suspect that list is going to grow even more, so why don't we simply put the whole BBC Radio 3 team aboard a replica of the Mayflower and cast them off in the direction of America?
Drew80 said…
" ... simply put the whole BBC Radio 3 team aboard a replica of the Mayflower and cast them off in the direction of America . . ."

Only if it is guaranteed to sink en route, please.
Andrew Morris said…
I'm coming round to Petroc since he is so infinitely better than Katie Derham on the Porms coverage. And I really feel I must defend Rob Cowan, who I like a lot and who communicates a genuine love for his subject in a way that few others manage, but who for a few years now has been saddled with a new Radio 3 light-classics paradigm that really doesn’t suit his strengths. I really like Donald Macleod, too, and Andrew Mcgregor. It's easy to dismiss, and I think we need to aim our flames at those steering Radio 3 in the direction it's going in, rather than at the better presenters.
Andrew Morris said…
I would like to add, though, that I'd be up for putting Norman on a one-way trip to Radio Pluto.
Pliable said…
Andrew, sorry but I totally disagree. To me the presenters mentioned are literally a turn-off. And other comments and, more pragmatically, audience figures suggest many others also find them a turn-off.

Yes, we should aim our flames at those steering Radio 3 in the direction it's going in. But we should also aim them at the compliant presenters who are party to the ruination of the station.

If presenters disagree with the formats being forced on them by the management - as has been suggested to me - they should resign.

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