Why no excitement about Lou Harrison?

More proof that classical music is excited about the wrong things is provided by the lack of coverage for Eva Soltes' important new film Lou Harrison: A World of Music. Now back to the breaking news about that armless Chinese pianist...
Also on Facebook and Twitter. I have changed the aspect ratio of the film poster as the blog layout does not like extreme portrait format graphics - the original poster can be seen here. Report broken links, missing images and errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk
A fair point, although London's Southbank Centre is celebrating Nancarrow - see link 1 below.
My interest in gamelan music and Lou Harrison was sparked many years ago by the Festival Hall gamelan - see link 2 below. 2013 is the tenth anniversary of Lou Harrison's death. Let us hope that the Southbank Centre and other venues around the world celebrate the anniversary in appropriate fashion.