Breaking - exclusive on the Oscar winners

Oscar van Dillen (left) is a contemporary Dutch musician and composer. His studies included North-Indian classical music (sitar, tabla, vocal) with Jamaluddin Bharatiya in Amsterdam, bansuri with Gurbachan Singh at Berkeley, California, classical and jazz flute at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam, and medieval and Renaissance music with Paul van Nevel in Leuven (Belgium). He now teaches world music composition and jazz, pop and world music department at the Conservatory of Rotterdam. In 2003 van Dillen's first CD, de Stad (the City), was released on Cybele Records. Do follow that last link for a treasure house of contemporary music. Biography via this link.

Oscar Stranoy is a contemporary Argentinian composer who studied with with Guillermo Scarabino, Guy Reibel, Michael Levinas, Gerard Grisey, Hans Zender, and John Carewe. He works in Europe and the US, and lives in Paris. Biography here, personal website via this link.

Oscar Straus (1870-1954) was a Viennese composer of operettas, film scores and songs. He also wrote about 500 cabaret songs, chamber music, and orchestral and choral works. He studied music in Berlin under Max Bruch, and became an orchestral conductor, working at the Überbrettl cabaret. In 1939, following the Nazi Anschluss, he fled to Paris and then to Hollywood, but returned to Europe after the war. His surname is spelt with a single 's'. An unconfirmed story says that he dropped the second 's' to distance himself from the Strauss musical dynasty. Biography via this link.

Oscar Herrero is a leading Spanish flamenco soloist, composer, and teacher . Personal website via this link.

Oscar Peterson was one of the all-time great jazz pianists. Born in 1925 he established his reputation through the 1950s, 60s and 70s with a varying trio line-up. He won seven Grammys, and his album Night Train is a gramophone classic. Personal website via this link.

Oscar Perez is a New York based jazz pianist and composer. He has a longstanding involvement with gospel music, and is music director of St Edward's Church in Harlem. Personal website via this link.

Oscar Hernandez is the New York based founder, music director and pianist for the "Spanish Harlem Orchestra" who received a Grammy Award nomination in 2002 for best salsa album. Biography via this link.

Oscar Macchioni is an Argentinian pianist who teaches at the University of Texas. His concert repertoire includes Antonio Soler, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Astor Piazzolla, Alberto Ginastera, Carlos Guastavino, and Castro. Personal websire via this link.

Oscar Shumsky (left) was an American violinist born in Philadelphia. He taught at Curtis Insitute and Yale University, after serving in the NBC Symphony Orchestra under Toscanini. His classic recordings include Ysaye's Solo Sonatas . He was first violin of the Primrose string quartet. Biography via this link.

Oskar Kokoschka (yes I know, but the Oscars are noted for their self-indulgence) was the expressionist painter who provided a libretto for an opera by Ernst Krenek, whose story is told in Multicultural, multimedia and banned.

This post originally appeared in 2007 but I thought it worth repeating. I have checked and updated the main links but apologise if any others are broken - if so let me know. Also please add missing Oscar, or Oskar, winners using the 'Comments' facility.

Any copyrighted material on these pages is included as "fair use", for the purpose of study, review or critical analysis only, and will be removed at the request of copyright owner(s). Report broken links, missing images and other errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk


JMW said…
Oscar Levant!
Pliable said…
Email received: -

I have some "Oscars" whom you missed: Oscar Hammerstein, the opera impresario (among other things); Oscar Hammerstein II, the moving force behind so many classic American musicals; and Oskar Fried, the fabled conductor responsible for my favorite account of the Symphonie Fantastique (rotten recording quality notwithstanding).

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