A social networking game too far

'Always about the new' Aldeburgh is hosting its second TEDx (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference on November 4th. I attended last year's conference but will be passing on this year's event. The über cool TED movement positions itself as a thinking person's Twitter and if talking heads peddling 18 minute solutions to problems that defy 18 minute solutions is your thing here is the conference link. Thomas Dolby, seen above, is chairing the TEDx conference and is also performing a gig the night before promoting his new album which, according to the puff, "is accompanied by a web-based social networking game" - another prospect that I find eminently resistible. At least the Aldeburgh Music TEDx website raises a laugh with its promise of "performances and discussions from groundbreaking guests." More on new music's sandbox here.

Also on Facebook and Twitter. Image credit Wikimedia Commons. Report broken links, missing images and errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk


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