Hi-fi good enough for Herbert von Karajan

That header graphic shows Herbert von Karajan endorsing Acoustic Research AR-3A loudspeakers. Edward M. Villchur, founder of Acoustic Research, has died aged 94. Read more in When the sound really mattered.

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Laurence Vittes said…
You are starting to hit home runs again and again!

You have picked the perfect way to trigger a discussion of why musicians say that mediocre equipment sounds great to them.

Make sure the audiophiles see this!
Pliable said…
A comment added by David Derrick to the linked post is worth repeating here:

When I was a student, our prize possessions were hi fi. Not a car. Not a computer. It really was hi fi in some cases. What is often sold as hi fi now would have made us laugh.

to which my response was:

Absolutely David, you are in danger of sending me down a path about my Pioneer PL-12D turntable, Cambridge Audio P50 amplifier and KEF104AB speakers.


Those certainly were the days.
Scott Unrein said…
As a student (born in the 70s) one of my prized possessions was (and still is) my AR-9 towers. Listening parties often ended up at my place (understandably). I still run into younger musicians who are fussy about how and what they listen to, but it feels a bit niche. I'm old enough that I still buy the vast majority of my music in physical formats, but young enough that I do digitize it all (albeit in lossless or uncompressed formats).

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