Talk radio

During my recent reading I came across the following words of a Buddhist sage and I offer them here in the hope that BBC Radio 3 presenters and those at other stations may meditate on them:
'Do not speak unless you can improve upon the silence.'
Artwork was photographed with permission in a gallery in Ceret, France. But I must offer my apologies as I did not note the name of the artist. Source of quote is Alone in Community by William Claassen. Report broken links, missing images and errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk
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Pliable said…
It is worth noting that during my recent sojourn in France I found the ratio of banal chatter to music on France Musique even worse than on BBc Radio 3.

Antoine Leboyer posted the following joke here a while back -

Q. How do you know you are listening to France Musique?

A. It is the station that does not play any music.

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