What price Mahler?

'That pricing indicates that with back catalogues stuffed full of excellent Chopin and Mahler recordings anniversary price deflation will be the next life-threatening disease to hit the record industry' - On An Overgrown Path January 2010

'In connection with the 150th anniversary of Gustav Mahler's birth, as well as Christoph Eschenbach's 70th anniversary in 2010, christoph-eschenbach.com in collaboration with the websites of the Orchestre de Paris and Medici TV will each offer a unique free streaming experience of all of Gustav Mahler's Symphonies' - christoph-eschenbach.com April 2010
Is recorded classical music too ....

Mahler coins from the Czech Mint. Any copyrighted material on these pages is included as "fair use", for the purpose of study, review or critical analysis only, and will be removed at the request of copyright owner(s). Report broken links, missing images and errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk


Antoine Leboyer said…
On top of these, getting an MP3 compatible of a live streamed radio concert has never been that easy and is available everywhere.

This could indicate that the center of economic activity in classical music is no longer records but live events.

On top, concert halls are the new recording studios and EMI LBO was doomed from the start


a topic already discussed as early as in 2006: http://www.concertonet.com/scripts/edito.php?ID_edito=73

Anonymous said…
iTunes are offering the complete works of Mahler on DG for £7.99.

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