Charting the decline of challenging radio

News has broken today that BBC Radio 3 is to broadcast a weekly chart of classical music for the first time in its history. The chart will use the specialist classical album top 10. Supporting sound bites include:
"It should prove thoroughly entertaining and enlightening and I'm sure it'll scupper some crusty old preconceptions!" ~ chart presenter Rob Cowan - he of the bloody rucksack.

The chart would play a "significant" part in Radio 3 programming ~ BBC Radio 3 controller and Proms director Roger Wright - he of the always good review.
I can't say I am surprised that BBC Radio 3 is to become a chart driven station, and I really don't have the energy or inclination to write anything more on this depressing and recurring subject. There are far more positive things to spend time on; which means I am off shortly to the Britten Sinfonia's Ēriks Ešenvalds concert.

Header photo was taken by me at a truck stop en route between Marrakech and Essaouira in Morocco, and no, the speaker is not a Rodgers ls3/5a BBC monitor. Image is (c) On An Overgrown Path 2010.Report broken links, missing images and errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk


Pliable said…
Email received:

It’s the decline of the West as we know it.


David Cavlovic

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