Earworm academy
Music from the Worm Farm is a six-month research and development residency in the The Nurrish Lab at the MRC Cell Biology Unit, University College London, funded by a Wellcome Trust Arts Award. It is a collaboration between composer Keith Johnson and neurobiologist Stephen Nurrish that explores the links between the brain and the body, and, in particular, the mysterious middle ground between them. The concert detailed above is part of the residency. Audio downloads from the project here. From Arianna Huffington to music to Alzheimer's here.
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Music & the Human Brain
Let’s hope that OGP readers are not lazy & ready to read a few sentences in french.
From “ Bruits” – J. Attali / Livre de Poche Biblio essays Fayard / PUF – 2001 – 6,5 euros.
The human brain: the difference between language & music.
p. 44
“ Les découvertes récentes de la neurologie confirment bien cette différence entre musique et langage. En localisant le traitement de la musique dans le cerveau en un autre lieu. Alors le traitement du langage est nettement localisé dans l’ hémisphère cérébral gauche, celui de la musique est beaucoup plus complexe. Une vibration sonore pénètre par le pavillon de l’ oreille sous forme d’ onde. …” Etc., etc.
“ Il semble que l’ appréhension de la courbe mélodique se fasse tout entière dans l’ hémisphère droite, alors que celle du rythme reste encore mystérieuse”. Etc;, etc.
Here is the link to the Library of Congress's in-process two year series of pre-concert lectures on Music and the Brain: