New kids on the blog

I receive quite a few emails asking me to point up new music blogs. This poses a problem as I haven't had a suitable vehicle for doing this. Yet we need new voices and new approaches to keep old timers like me on our toes. So, as an experiment, I've added a sidebar titled New kids on the blog below the Google ads. Requests from bloggers and suggestions from readers will be added regularly. But only new or overlooked music or related blogs please. Established players are already covered by Chris Foley's excellent blog aggregator. No endorsement, or otherwise, from me for the listed blogs. Nominations please to As I wrote last year:

Where are the new blogs? Where are the musical options? Where is the risk-taking? Where are the young Turks ready to challenge the so-called experts? Where is the diversity on the musical web?
Why don't you stay for real? was photographed at Marseille Provence airport and is (c) On An Overgrown Path 2008. Report broken links, missing images and errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk


Justin Friello said…
Thanks for posting my blog! Since I didn't know about yours, I was wondering how you found mine. Thanks!

Pliable said…
Hi Justin. In fact you (and many others) linked to my tongue-in-cheek post about John Cage's 4' 33" back in October -

I picked your blog up from my back-link checker and liked what I saw. Hence the mention in New kids on the blog.

Hope it sends some traffic your way, and keep up the good work.
Chris Foley said…
And look for an update of the blogs listed in my attempt to catalog the entire classical blogosphere in the next while.

BTW, there's only one l in my last name...
Pliable said…
Thanks Chris, and apologies for the, now corrected, misspelling of your surname.

Just another of my folly on my part.
Justin Friello said…
Thank you for your kind words. And yes, already I've experienced more traffic.

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