Classical music roller coaster

Here is the Zurich Chamber Orchestra putting the usual YouTube offerings to shame. The full screen version is even better.

Zurich Chamber Orchestra : Roller Coaster
by mikropikol

More innovative classical music marketing from Switzerland here.
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Ammon Allred said…
"Little Einsteins," A Disney show for toddlers, of all places uses a similar conceit (even if not as well executed --- for one thing, I don't believe the score actually correlated with the music). The music used on the show is, of course, comfortably middle-brow and the show has shockingly regressive gender stereotypes, but my daughter still loved it.
Did the score in this roller coaster correlate? I'm not sure, I can't read music, but if it did, the correlation could have been so much more straightforward, no? While still maintaining the thrill factor.

A great idea, and a fantastic method to teach music theory. Wonder if there are any videos out there using this technique to teach musical literacy.

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