A black humoured musical revue

Caught Northern Theatre Touring's tribute to Tom Lehrer in Norwich yesterday. The evening is described as 'a black humoured musical revue, with songs composed by American satirist Tom Lehrer. It looks at the social and political aspects of common culture, such as racism, pornography and war in a uniquely warped way. The songs of Lehrer are as relevant today as they were when they were first composed in the 1960s.' A magical evening that was also a timely reminder of the depths that today's BBC has sunk to with its so called satire. The highlight of the show was Tom Lehrer's priceless song Werner Von Braun.

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Pliable said…
Anonymous said…
And of course no item about Lehrer in a music blog would be complete without mention of one of his least political but most delightful songs - Alma.

I first heard it when I was starting university and had just bought my first Mahler recording (the Cleveland/Raskin/Szell 4th). I remember being fascinated to discover that Alma had only died the previous year.


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