Stockhausen's mysterious Scandinavian Classic

Stockhausen's fragmentary piano music played by Elisabeth Klein on the German TIM label (sleeve above) has spent a lot of time in my CD player recently. It's a very rewarding release which I recommend to any readers who still run a mile at the mention of Stockhausen. But the reason for its inclusion in a Scandinavian Classics series with related sleeve artwork escapes me. Or is it simply that Hungarian born pianist Elisabeth Klein built her reputation as a leading interpreter of contemporary music in northern Europe? (Do check out her CD of piano music from the Weimar Republic).

Am I missing the connection? Or is it part of a dream?
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Pliable said…
Email received:

One album that seriously deserves re-issuing, and another recommendation for those who would run a mile upon hearing the name Stockhausen, is a long-deleted ERATO recording coupling Stockhausen's Zyklus with another great, but little known, religious percussion-work by the Romanian/French composer Marius Constant (known tangentally to Canadians and Americans as the composer of the theme music to later seasons of Twilight Zone): his 14 Stations. An absolutely first-rate performance by Sylvio Gualda.


David Cavlovic

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