Breaching the great firewall of China

My post identifying music blogs blocked by the Chinese government has caused justified indignation over on Renewable Music, Soho the Dog and elsewhere. But here is how you breach the great firewall of China. Make sure New Music Reblog mirrors your site, because that's not blocked.
Martin Scorsese's 1997 film Kundun, with its Philip Glass score, was a brave and pioneering anti-Chinese government statement. Remember you read it here first.
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(But, then again, maybe the Chinese government loves me? I've not gotten that think that checks for blogging to work for me. I think I'm too stupid to figure it out, even though it looks mighty simple.)
I'm afraid you'll just have to be nice to Chairman Jeff Harrington who manages the great New Music Reblog firewall.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, but not quite sure what can be done...
Obviously music and musicians must be a controversial bunch.
My domain is not but is blocked, which is not surprising as I've carried pro-Free Tibet articles for several years.
But WebSitePulse do say "The banning of websites is mostly uncoordinated and ad-hoc, with some web sites being blocked and similar web sites being allowed or blocked in one city and allowed in another."
Which probably explains why New Music Reblog which mirrors my stories is not blocked. Sequenza21, which is under the same management, is also not blocked.
Uncoordinated and ad-hoc, but also very nasty. Just another manifestation of the denials of freedom imposed on Tibet by China for almost fifty years. Just a shame that it takes the Olympic Games to bring it to people's attention.
Anti-Chinese? I doubt that's really what you meant to say ...
'Kundun is a 1997 film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Melissa Mathison. It is based on the life and writings of the Dalai Lama, the exiled political and spiritual leader of Tibet. Both Scorsese and Mathison (along with several other members of the production) were banned by the Chinese Government from ever entering China as a result of making the film. Scholars have criticized the film for its controversial one-sided portrayal of sensitive historical events - from