Radio has to be an adventurous experience

My article last year about Elisabeth Lutyens created a lot of interest. In it I recommended the new CD of Lutyens' choral music sung by Exaudi directed by James Weeks, and on my Future Radio programme this Sunday (Jan 13) James Weeks (above) joins me to talk about Lutyens and introduce some of the music from the disc, including her 1953 masterpiece the Motet (Excerpta Tractati Logico-Philosophici) which is usually known by the more memorable title of the Wittgenstein Motet. The interview will be available as An Overgrown Path podcast after the broadcast.

James Weeks is also active as a composer and we will be playing one of his choral compositions on the programme. James is a champion of contemporary music, and he has just been appointed music director of the New London Chamber Choir. Pierre Boulez is patron of the NLCC, which has a reputation for pushing the new music envelope just about as far as it will go, and sometimes beyond. The choir was founded by James Wood, and together they stirred things up with a new work which I featured in an early post here. The week following the Lutyens programme I will be playing the NLCC's recording of Luigi Dallapiccola's moving Canti di prigionia in a programme of Italian choral music.

If any confirmation is needed that radio has to be an adventurous experience it comes from non-music blogs such as Threading thoughts, which recently wrote:

I am intrigued, transported, and mind-moved by music. Like visual art and literature I respond to a wide selection: classical, pop, folk, jazz, and contemporary classical (which I always think is a dull title). However, I know next to nothing - well, nothing - about music. I just know what I like! I was delighted last Sunday in the Observer newspaper Review section to find a list of contemporary music blogs to try out. As I type this I am listening to Future Radio which I found through the On An Overgrown Path blog. Also I like the Zen saying on the header of the Overgrown Path blog.

Now read about another contemporary composer who said music has to be an adventurous experience.
Listen on Future Radio at 5.00pm UK time this Sunday, January 13th in real time here (convert to local time zones here). An Overgrown Path podcast will follow. Windows Media Player doesn't like the audio stream very much and takes ages to buffer. WinAmp or iTunes handle it best. Unfortunately the royalty license doesn't permit on-demand replay, so you have to listen in real time. If you are in the Norwich, UK area tune to 96.9FM. Photo (c) On An Overgrown Path 2008. Report broken links, missing images and errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk


Pliable said…
James Wood, founder of the New London Chamber Choir, conducted te world premiere of Stockhausen's Engel-Prozessionen in 2002 at the Amsterdam Concertbouw.
Pliable said…
Email received:

What a GREAT show! Really love those high soprano parts, I must say! Interesting discussions, as well. Very well put about non-male composers. You're doing such a fantastic thing for all of us with Future Radio.

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