BBC Radio 3 - a right Puck up

A dummies guide to bad radio presentation on BBC Radio 3 this morning. At 10.20am presenter Sarah Walker introduced Mendelssohn's Scottish Symphony with a typically arch pseudo-musicological analysis. She then played the four movements of the symphony.

At the end of the final movement the Decca CD (466990 Maag, LSO) was left playing without interruption, and returned to the first track, the overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream. This was played all the way through, including several jumps in the CD tracking which went unnoticed.

The comedy ended with Sarah Walker back announcing the whole sequence, and disingenuously blaming the Puck up on "technical difficulties". Sarah, a bad workperson always blames their tools.

More BBC Radio 3 rude mechanicals here and here.
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