Staying at home with Couperin

"My ideal day would be staying at home and playing the harpsichord works of Couperin - new inspiration on every page" said Thomas Adès, and François Couperin is a major influence on the music of Adès, including his Sonata de Caccia, a trio for baroque oboe, horn and harpsichord.

If you don't have a harpsichord at home all is not lost. Michael Borgstede (photo above) has recorded the complete harpsichord music of Couperin. The performances are excellent, and the the sound captured by engineer Peter Arts in three different Dutch churches is very good. The 11 CD box is on the Brilliant Classics label, and that means it's at budget price - I paid £30 ($62) in the UK.

Michael Borgstede's background is interesting. He lives in Tel Aviv, and is the Middle East correspondent for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung as well as being a highly regarded harpsichordist and organist. Follow this link for a wide range of MP3 downloads from his website.

No excuse now for not staying at home with Couperin. And follow this path for
another big harpsichord box.
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Unknown said…
you can pick the Couperin box @ €19,99 (circa £13), plus shipping, on! If you had told me earlier! (ja wohl, all the "Brilliants" are this cheap, out there).


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