Artworks on internet radio

This is the sculpture installation Homage to Sir Thomas Browne created by French artists Anne and Patrick Poirier for Norwich city centre which I wrote about here last month. Tomorrow (Aug 10), at 10.00am British Summer Time I'll be talking to the cultural developement officer of Norwich City Council, who commissioned the artwork, on Future Radio.

On Sunday (Aug 12) at 5.00pm I'll be playing William Alwyn's Symphony No, 5 'Hydriotaphia', which is dedicated to Sir Thomas Browne, on my Overgrown Path contemporary classical music programme also on Future Radio.

Both programmes are available as real-time webcasts, click here for the audio stream, see below for more details. This is the future of radio.
Convert on-air times to your local time zone using this link. Windows Media Player doesn't like the stream very much and takes ages to buffer, WinAmp or iTunes handle it best. Unfortunately the royalty license doesn't permit on-demand replay, so you have to listen in real time. If you happen to be in the Norwich, UK area tune to 96.9FM.

Any copyrighted material on these pages is included as "fair use", for the purpose of study, review or critical analysis only, and will be removed at the request of copyright owner(s). Report broken links, missing images and other errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk


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