In search of the lost score

Hello, I have read with interest your posts about Russian composers and Stalin. Your blog is highly informative and entertaining as well, and on an amazingly wide array of topics. I've been trying to find scores by and information about Vavera Gaigerova and Valery Zhelobinski (Jelobinsky). These tantalizing figures have proven completely elusive, yet they were published by the Soviet houses during their lives. Do you know of any resources that I might consult that may lead to performance material? I've been asking folks around the world to no avail. What did the Soviets do with music by composers who fell out of favor? Did they destroy it or bury it within archives? If I can find material I am reasonably sure that I can get recordings made.

My apologies for bothering you out of the blue. Thanks for any info you might offer. Regards, John McLaughlin Williams.

Can anyone help John? Add Comments below, or email to me at overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk and I'll pass it on.
And while we are on the subject of lost scores read about Furtwängler and the forgotten new music.
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Pliable said…
You readers never cease to amaze me.

That first response was four minutes after I hit publish.
Pliable said…
Another email:

For the wonderful conductor who asked:

Varvara Gaigerova was born in 1903 and died on April 6, 1944 (the dying date of Stravinsky, years later). She was a student of Miaskovsky at the Moscow Conservatory. Her music includes three symphonies (from '28, '34 and '37), two string quartets, several piano sonatas and some songs (texts of Pushkin).

She is difficult to find on "women in music" sites, both in the USA and in Europe. However, Nicolai Slonimsky brought her music to one of his many collections that are located at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. The number of the "box" where her music can be found is #329.

I hope this helps anyone who might be looking for information!
JMW said…
Thank you all for the assistance. You are unbelievably fast! I am constantly amazed by the knowledge and capability of the readers here!


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