I am weary of the constant US bashing

Hi Pliable, I just need to confess: I've enjoyed so much of your writing and reporting on music and humanity, and your postings have added much to my enlightenment and delight in life. But I may be coming to a point where I won't go there much anymore.

I happen to live in the US, and I am getting very weary of the constant bashing of mostly anything US - politics, composers, music, morals, etc. I am a decent person, a pacifist (Quaker), to a degree a political activist (I attended my first anti-war protest *since* the Viet Nam war when Bush II invaded Iraq, and have continued)... you get the picture. But I just don't need to be constantly told how bad I am, how little I do, etc.

I hope you understand my perspective. For those of us who fight regularly, and have for a good long time, to retain the best qualities of our country while attempting to contain or diminish the bad, it is hard to see ourselves - because we are here, not there - perpetually painted in very bad light.

Yours in music and light, Jon

Now read some of my US bashing articles here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and ...
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Civic Center said…
Dear Pliable: You don't have to defend yourself from Mr. Szanto's rather strange accusation. He must be from the Richard Nixon side of the Quakers rather than the peaceniks who I hang out with in San Francisco, protesting the Iraq Invasion every week in front of our Federal Building.

Additionally, in my reading experience, you tend to bash various British people and policies much more vigorously than folks from the United States. On top of which, your style is much more one of advocacy than putting people down. Please, continue, without apology.
Unknown said…
Ah, well, such is life.

I now have a Google account so I may respond to these comments. But I have written to Pliable first, as my comments, attributed in his blog posting, were never intended to be public, but for Pliable only. I will await word from Pliable before I write anything else. However, I do believe, gentlemen, that you have misjudged me.


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