Now this is what I call a concert

Riot - Can Music Change the World?
9 Feb 2007 7:00 pm LSO St Luke's

Peter Edwards: Wayfaring Stranger
Paul Fretwell: New work
Sergio Ortega: Lonquen
Damien Harron: Events Unfold
Claudia Molitor: Leek
György Ligeti: Sippal, Dobbal, Nadihegeduvel
Rolf Hind: Follow the Leader
Frederic Rzewski: Coming Together

BackBeat percussion quartet
Loré Lixenberg mezzo-soprano
Julia Bardsley designer
The event concludes with a discussion about the music in the event and a look at riot as protest and celebration. And if you can't make it to LSO St Luke's BBC Radio 3 are broadcasting this outstanding example of forward looking programming on Saturday 7th April, 10.00pm BST. Well done the BBC for having the vision to broadcast it .

Now this is a 3' 21" download of the music of protest and celebration, but please note the date of the post.
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sstadlen said…
Hi, just want to put a link to spnm, which was the promoter and organiser of the Riot event:

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Unknown said…
This was a very enjoyable concert. It was quite long but there was a great deal of variety to keep the audience engaged. Wayfaring Stranger by Peter Edwards was particularly moving. The concert was theatical, comical and hard-hitting, and the political theme was successfully brought home with pieces like Ortega's Lonquen. Looking forward to hearing it on the radio in April.

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