The world's oldest active monastery

St. Anthony's Monastery (Deir Mar Antonios), which lies at the foot of Al-Qalzam Mountain in Egypt, was founded in 356 AD, and is the oldest active monastery in the world. The monastery is Coptic Christian today, although over its many years it was often multi-faith, housing monks of several different Christian religions. Saint Anthony the Great (251-356) was an Egyptian Christian saint, and one of the leaders of the Christian monks known as Desert Fathers.

Exceptional wall paintings and icons are a feature of St Anthony's Monastery. For centuries the wall paintings were obscured by grime, but a joint project between the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the American Research Center in Egypt has restored them, as the photo above shows. One set of the paintings is attributed to the Coptic master Theodore, while others are of Byzantine origin.

Now, read about a setting of the Greek Orthodox Akáthistos Hymn by a contemporary composer.
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