Music, acid, and the collapse of communism

Eastern European communism did collapse and acid did have quite a bit to do with it. Charter 77, the Czech human rights organization was founded by Václav Havel (left) in defense of the Plastic People of the Universe, a psychedelic band inspired by the Velvet Underground. Havel himself was in New York in 1968, listening to the Velvets and dreaming, no doubt, of a way out of Cold War ideology - From Andrei Codrescu's introduction to Acid Dreams - the Complete Social History of LSD: the CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond by Marin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain. (Grove Weidenfeld 0802130623).

Music is the most powerful of all the idealist drugs except religion - Stephen Spender

Truth and love will prevail over lies and hatred - Vaclav Havel

For the extraordinary history of the Plastic People of the Universe follow this link.

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