Orlando Gibbons and Mozart Podcasts

Hi there, I was just doing a bit of a google and came across your great blog about our last CD - "Magnificent Mahler-lite from Manchester", and thought you might be interested in our new recording of Mozart's final two symphonies. You can get some info and listen to Douglas Boyd's accompanying podcast here:
* Dougies' podcast MP3 (3' 55") - Listen Now
* Symphony 40 MP3 (0' 46") - Listen Now
* Symphony 41, Jupiter MP3 (0' 40") - Listen Now
* Manchester Camerata website

Best Wishes, Rhiannon Davies
Marketing and Press Officer, Manchester Camerata

Hi Pliable. Just seen your "Anonymous no longer" article - thanks for the link to the new shop.You might be interested in the podcast - currently an MP3 - which we've made about our latest disc of 'Hymns and Songs of the Church' ['Hymnes' with an e when it refers to the original collection with Gibbons's tunes, rather than the modernized title of the disc itself]: It is a substantial 22 minute feature on the new disc, this is the streaming link, and here is the MP3 download link, and we'll be adding the podcast code in due course...
Kind regards, Antony Pitts Tonus Peregrinus

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Pliable said…
I can't think of anyone who better represents the end of an era than Orlando Gibbons does, and Gibbons is my favourite composer - always has been ... There is a spiritual attachment that I began to feel for his music when I was about fourteen or fifteen and first heard some of the Anthems; I fell in love with them, and consequently all my life I've wanted to make a Gibbons album of some kind."

So said Glenn Gould, and the album he made was featured here on "The best damn record we've ever made".
Berend de Boer said…
The quality of that Gibbon's MP3 is commendable. That's how it should be done guys.
Berend de Boer said…
Tried to order the Gibbons CD. Cannot download it (why not?). So tried to order a hard-copy by snailmail.

However, after filling in the address it asks me if I want to receive the newsletter. But no option to tick or untick it. And when pressing continue it complains on the next page I have to enter a value. And the only thing I can do is to go back to theh page where I cannot enter a value.

Again, this demonstrates that only really persistent people can buy classical music. It's really hard.

The next time we read about dropping sales of classical music, just snort. It's just to **** hard to buy one.
Pliable said…
Gee, that seems to be a pretty impressive bit of problem solving for a Saturday morning.

But please dear readers, no requests for On an Overgrown Path to solve your problems with Amazon or Dell ...
Berend de Boer said…
I just put in an order, and all went well.

The shopping process itself is painless, almost as painless as it can be. Click on CD, add to basket, and continue shopping takes you back to the list of all CD's where you can order more.

Using PayPal also worked quite well in my case, because I have an account there, so just entering my password was sufficient to complete the order.

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