Treasure trove of historic MP3 downloads

The Finnish national broadcaster YLE Radio 1 has the most extraordinary treasure trove of historic MP3 downloads on their website. I can't even list the riches available, but the artists include Dinu Lipatti, Pablo Casals, Alfred Cortot, Kirsten Flagstad , Yehudi Menuhin, Arturo Toscanini, and many, many more. There are lots of downloads for each artist, and the technical quality is very good. The whole site is in Finnish, but navigation is intuitive. Just select the artist from the left hand side list, then select the Real Audio or MP3 hyperlink under the composition. Each download has a spoken introduction of around 20 seconds in Finnish, but don't let that put you off.

This is an extraordinary discovery. I am listening to Toscanini conducting the adagio molto e cantabile from Beethoven's 9th as I write - beautiful. Here is the link, and many thanks to reader Walt Santner for the heads-up.

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Discovered - the online Arnold Schoenberg jukebox


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the heads-up!

I am a retired radio broadcaster, living in New Jersey, (USA) who enjoys finding, downloading legal free good music on the net and listening to it.


I use a LYCOS based Swedish search engine:

Enter a composer's last name in lower case in the sok box.

For example,


Click on the musik tab.
click on the yellow sok tab.

page one
Toppen 10 Musik av 78.618

k01 (mozart).mp3
Format: mp3 | Speltid: 666 sec | Kvalitet: 128 bit/sample
Musik: k01 (mozart).mp3 *

*right click to save selection
**Click on sajt address to visit site

To narrow the search add mp3
look for mp3, length at least 2 or more minutes.

I try not to download anything less than 56 kpbs.
Beware of the midi files!
check the links on site if there is a search box use mp3
often I find best music in later pages.
Of course many links don't work.
return to page one to start new search.

Best, Walt Santner
Rod Warner said…
just bounced on to this via hughsung - looks like some interesting stuff... thanks
Anonymous said…
thanks so much... spreading this through spain too ;)
I knew about this site but still credit goes to you for letting others know about it. A diamond treasure indeed for classical music lovers.

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