Neither avant-garde, nor traditional ...

György Ligeti certainly defies all attempts to categorise him. When he appeared on BBC Radio 3's Private Passions programme on 22nd November 1997 his personal choice of music was:
*Nancarrow, Study No. 3a, Conlon Nancarrow (player piano) Wergo WER 6168-2
* Trad., 'Gending: Dhenggung Turulare', Langen Praja Seven Seas KICC 5184 (Pliable - Javanese gamelan, follow this link for audio files)
* Trad., 'Piere', Etienne Ngbozo (small sanza and voice) / Joseph Sasmba (large sanza) / Daniel Hgadike, Robert Tarapai, Raymond Doko (voice, rattle and percussion sticks) Ocorra c 580008(Pliable - African drumming)
* Trad., Whistle Ensemble, Banda-Linda Ensemble Auvidis/UNESCO 8020 (Pliable - African ethnic music)
* Claude Vivier, Lonely Child, Susan Narucki (soprano) / Schonberg and Asko Ensembles / Reinbert de Leeuw Philips 454 231-2
* Beethoven, Sonata in C minor, Op. 111 (second movement), Alfred Brendel (piano) Philips 446 701-2
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Now take An Overgrown Path to Ligeti's Etudes fit the Bill and György Ligeti's Private Passions
"He was known for his avant garde compositions, including the 1962 piece Poeme Symphonique, which is played on 100 metronomes."
While over on the Guardian website Ivan Fischer, the director of the Budapest Festival Orchestra, says:
"Ligeti was an avant-garde, definitely modern composer who did the most for renewing the musical language in the second half of the 20th century."
Not so great for serious music to see the music blogging community taking such a precious attitude towards György Ligeti.