A campaign no blogger can ignore

China is perhaps the clearest example. Its internet censorship and clampdown on dissent online is sophisticated and widespread. But Amnesty International has documented internet repression in countries as diverse as Iran, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Israel, the Maldives and Vietnam.
Another massive change since 1961 has been the rising power of multinationals, but some companies have been complicit in these abuses. So Amnesty is increasingly lobbying not just governments but powerful firms to respect the rights of ordinary people.
The internet is big business, but in the search for profits some companies have encroached on their own principles and those on which the internet was founded: free access to information. The results of searches using China-based search engines run by Yahoo,

From the article in today's Observer launching Amnesty International's campaign, irrepressible.info, demanding freedom of expression over the internet. The campaign works by websites, myspace pages and blogs spreading the word and undermining unwarranted censorship publishing censored material from Amnesty's database of sources such as Reporters Without Borders.
On An Overgrown Path was one of the first sites to highlight the Chinese internet censorship here, and here, and here. I fully support the Amnesty initiative, and this campaign should also extend to include the widespread censorship of internet content by companies and institutions using web proxy software which was experienced by An Overgrown Path recently.
* More detail on the Amnesty International campaign via this link.
And 12 hours later it is great to see On An Overgrown Path as the lead media story on the business page of a top US web news feed:

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