In the beginning was sound

' ... in an age where talking about the deed is often bigger than the deed itself ' follow this link to the BBC Radio 4 Reith Lectures by Daniel Barenboim, and this one to BBC Radio 3's Morning on 3 which is featuring Barenboim recordings all this week, and name checking his record company Warner Classics every few minutes, before following this link to the BBC's 'Ring in a day', conducted by, you guessed it, Daniel Barenboim, which links to MP3 downloads courtesy of Warner Classics, which has just released a new recording of Mahler's Seventh Symphony which was featured prominently on Saturday's CD Review on BBC Radio 3, the conductor of the new CD is, you guessed it right, Daniel Barenboim, and that new Mahler recording was played on Morning on 3 at 9.43 this morning with a Warner Classics name check .....

As Daniel Barenboim tells us in his BBC Reith Lectures - 'In the beginning was sound'. Then came Music-like-water.

Opening quote from Nicholas Crane writing in Two Degrees West.
Image credit - Central European University. Image owners - if you do not want your picture used in this article please contact me and it will be removed. Report broken links, missing images and other errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk
If you enjoyed this post take An Overgrown Path to Wagner downloads and Beethoven cycles


Pliable said…
Hope they take some notice ... (British Broadcasting Corporation)

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10th April 2006 10:13:25 Blogs (British Broadcasting Corporation)

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10th April 2006 10:11:41
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