Rad Decision is remix

On An Overgrown Path is not really a conventional blog. It is an arts and music magazine that uses remixed blogging software to provide push-button publishing.

Remixing is a recurring theme on the Path, so I was fascinated to find the same blogging software being used to publish an online novel.

My recent article The Winter's Tale was about nuclear accidents. James Aach has worked in the American nuclear power industry for twenty years, and he has investigated numerous equipment malfunctions and emergency reactor shutdowns. His work has touched on reactor physics, public evacuation planning and the Chernobyl (photo above) and Three Mile Island accidents.

James Aach is publishing Rad Decision online using blogging software. The novel tells the story of the people and machinery that make up a nuclear power plant. It includes an overview of how electricity is made, and takes an inside look at how a nuclear plant operates, including the financial and political pressures. From this starting point Rad Decision takes the reader into a nuclear accident in the making.

Rad Decision is a fascinating exercise in remixing the conventional publishing process, and it tells a very worthwhile story as well. It could offer a new publishing model, follow this link to find out more and to start reading.

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If you enjoyed this post take An Overgrown Path to Radiance of a thousand suns


Anonymous said…
Aach is not the only one to use Blogger to publish a novel online. Here's another one.
Pliable said…
Thanks Lynn, gee - The Promised King is quite impressive isn't it?

Anyone interested in extreme remixing should take a look ...
Anonymous said…
Thanks! I'm always happy to get this sort of free publicity.

Having had this novel on line for a few months, I've found that I get some nice feedback from readers (almost all good, fortunately). Given that the standard picture of a writer slaving away alone in a small room is mostly true in my case, the postive response to my work from people I don't know has been quite gratifying.

Incidentally, the idea of putting the novel on the net in blog format came from tech legend Stewart Brand, who was nice enough to respond to an e-mail I sent him commenting on an article he had written.

Thanks again,

Jim Aach
James Aach said…
FYI: Rad Decision is now also available in paperback at Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk. The blog site RadDecision.blogspot.com remains up, as I've foregone royalties from the book in any case. I encourage anyone who's enjoyed the book to comment at online retailers.

Also, for those such as yourself who gave me online support, I'm happy to provide a gift certificate for a free copy - just send me an email to prompt me. jimaach@comcast.net

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