Birthday boy Brendel

You, the readers, are the reason why An Overgrown Path is a success. And you sure keep me on my toes.

An email arrived at 09.00h quite rightly pointing out that I had overlooked Alfred Brendel's 75th birthday today.

So here to rectify that are birthday wishes to a superb musician, artist and thinker. And his masterly live 1997 recording of Schubert's B flat major Sonata plays as I write.

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If you enjoyed this post take An Overgrown Path to Schubert's last piano sonata


Pliable said…
No one (including me) remembered that Maurizio Pollini is 64 today, did they?

Quite a coincidence, two of the greatest living pianists share a birthday.
A Fascinating coincidence two cerebral masters of the keyboard being born on the same day years apart.

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