Where's my bus?

European Mobility Week is launched today with much fanfare. The laudable objective set out on the official web site "is to facilitate widespread debate on the necessity for changes in behaviour in relation to mobility and in particular the use of the private car. As usual, the Car Free Day will be the highlight of the whole Week."

The East Anglian counties of Norfolk and Suffolk found a novel way to celebrate the week and contribute to the demise of the motor car. Drivers of the main bus operator, First Eastern Counties, started a week-long strike yesterday forcing the counties' 68,000 regular bus travellers to use private cars.

Nice one.

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philosophia said…
Oh my goodness! This cannot be a good situation. I guess the strikers really made their point very clear...
Giorgia said…
Well, go figure: here in Rome we barely heard of the European Mobility Week - despite the fact that we're in Europe as well. Or so they say. Anyway, traffic is unbearable as usual and buses are always late and packed with people. Heh.
Anonymous said…
The strike didn't stop one rogue bus mowing down a cyclist in the city then disappearing with out a trace as the Norwich Evening News Reports -

16 September 2005 14:01

A cyclist suffered serious injuries after being hit by a bus yesterday , which then failed to stop at the scene.

The victim, who is from Norwich, was taken to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital with a serious groin injury following the accident at Agricultural Hall Plain at the top of Prince of Wales Road at 5.40pm.

Sergeant Harvey, from Norfolk Constabulary, said:

"It involved a pedal cyclist who may have been in collision with a bus - we don't know whether he hit it or swerved to avoid it.

"The bus was turning right from Upper King Street into Agricultural hall Plain and didn't stop at the scene."

Sgt Harvey said police were trying to identify the bus that was involved in yesterday's accident which happened on the first day of the week-long strike.

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