Stimmung in the Gherkin
This year's City of London Festival, which has just started, takes an innovative perspective on music and performance space by linking 20th century music with contemporary architecture. The opening concert was a real show stopper. Officially known as the Swiss Re building after its tenants, but known to everyone in London as the Gherkin because of its unique shape, Sir Norman Foster's extraordinary curved glass skyscraper was opened in 2004. The Festival opener was a performance by contemporary music veterans Singcircle of Stockhausen's Stimmung on the top floor of the Gherkin complete with 360 degree panoramic views of a stunning sunset.
Any reader suggestions for appropriate combinations of musical works, venue and dress code?
My nominations are a concert performance of Gotterdammerung (dress code hard hats) at 1400 Smith St, in downtown Houston - the old Enron headquarters (by one of those strange On An Overgrown Path coincidences the Enron HQ was oval shaped - like the Gherkin). For my minimalist readers I suggest John Cage's 4' 33" at the Trappist Abbaye Notre Dame de Bon Secours in Blauvac with dress code hair shirts.
If you enjoyed this post take the overgrown path to Hildegard comes to Norwich via IRCAM and Darmstadt