Holy smoke - what a lot of downloads!

The following story is on the BBC News website. I promise it is my last word about the BBC's extravagant claims for the number of MP3 files downloaded of their Beethoven symphonies.

Vicar stunned by sermon surfers

Thousands of people have downloaded a Suffolk vicar's sermons after he posted them on the internet last month. The Rev Leonard Payne, Vicar of St Nicholas' Church in Wrentham, said the response had been overwhelming after he posted them on the Apple iTune store. "We were stunned. Within a short period of time, over 2,000 people had downloaded one of them," he said.

At one point demand for the sermons was so great they had to change servers, Mr Payne said.

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Anonymous said…
I bought a Tallis Scholars CD (Palestrina Masses) on your recommendation, and very good it is too!
Cyning Deogolwulf

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