Download the slippery slope......

And so the download bandwagon rolls on. Latest on board is the Philharmonia Orchestra which has just launched a brand new online shop where the MP3 files on offer include.
  • Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra with Esa-Pekka Salonen conducting - £1 ($1.80)
  • Beethoven 'Emperor' Concerto with Emanuel Ax - £2 ($3.60)

There are also downloadable programme notes. And if those outrageous prices are too expensive for you there is even a buy 4 for the price of 3 offer.

Great to see the non-believers being tempted by more low cost classical downloads. But just remember folks, it is very difficult to turn sausages back into pigs.

Many thanks to UK brass player David Read of the excellent blog Hot Brass for flagging this story up. Hot Brass has an excellent interview with Philharmonia Principal Trombone Byron Fulcher pictured above.

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